An excerpt from my NEW book Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers about how to generate referrals!

I have many ideas, approaches, and practices about how to generate more and better referral business. I’ll share one way to generate referrals here every week (for a total of 12 rounds!) or you can simply pick up a copy of the book and get them all!

Pick up a copy HERE!

If you missed Round One of this series on how to generate referrals, you may read it HERE.

Round Two!

Follow Up on All Referrals Immediately

Before the world got beamed to the planet Zoom, I used to collect business cards from all association meetings, networking mixers, or cocktail parties I attended. My goal was always to follow up within 24 hours of meeting that person or, if I met them on a Friday or before a holiday, I would follow up the next business day.

These days, I keep a legal pad at the ready so I can take notes from the various scheduled Zoom meetings and phone calls throughout the day. This way, I can still have their contact info and my “next steps” in front of me. I never want to drop the ball when giving or receiving a Referral.

If you handle actual Referrals (introductions to prospective clients) in a very timely, responsible way, you will get more of them. If you don’t get around to handling Referrals, don’t worry. You’ll stop receiving them. And solve that problem fast!

A couple of years ago, I helped a friend who was in job search. I connected her with one of my best clients, Paul. This was an actual Referral (he was interested in potentially interviewing her). I told her to email Paul as he was expecting her contact.

I followed up with her the very next week and asked, “Did you get a chance to contact Paul?”

She said, “I haven’t had a chance to do that. I got busy.” As it turned out, the position had been filled that very next week. And Paul said to me, “I never heard from your friend.” I was embarrassed.

I really let her have it! I said, “I’m a little disappointed. I set you up with a friend and good client who was going to offer you an interview. I was a little disappointed that you never spoke with him.”

She let me have it right back: “Look, I’ve been busy.”

She remained out of work for the next 6 months. Also, I refused to help her again.

How many Referral Sources have you disappointed by simply not following up?

How much money has it cost you?

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

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