What projects do you need to complete this week? Do you need to follow up with prospects? Is there social media work that needs to be done? What Revenue Producing Activities (RPA) do you need to complete?

Begin by making a list and checking it twice. Is your sense of organization being naughty or nice?

Seriously, if you’re spending time during your work week doing things that don’t make your list of priorities, then you’re using that time to do other things.

Goofing off on social media, spending time handling email that is not a priority, or having meetings that aren’t producing a positive result takes time away from getting those important priorities complete.

What are your Top 5 Priorities for the week?

Look at your schedule for the week NOW and schedule the time that you can spend moving these 5 priorities forward. Yes, actually block the time and post the task you plan on completing or at least moving forward.

This scheduled time slot should carry the weight of a meeting with a prospect. This way, you won’t be so quick to lose that scheduled time slot.

Consider the time of day when you’re at your best, have the most energy, and can be focused on the task at hand.

Learning to say “no” throughout your week can definitely help you to stay on task.

What gets scheduled gets done!

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash
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