Your Networking Foxhole

Your Networking Foxhole

Who would be in your business networking foxhole? I love the metaphor of the foxhole as if you’re fighting in battle. In a life-and-death situation, who do you want in the trenches with you to fight the fight? The best warriors, military strategists, those that have...
What NOT To-Do at a Networking Event

What NOT To-Do at a Networking Event

Or at a conference, trade show, golf outing, mixer, association meeting, cocktail party, Thanksgiving Dinner! Remember, Thanksgiving is about giving. And so is business networking! Here is what ChatGPT says! Don’t be self-centered, interrupt others, overstay your...
10 Ways to NOT Make a KO Impression!

10 Ways to NOT Make a KO Impression!

As in NOT a good impression! The first line spoken by John Wick 4’s villain, the Marquis de Gramont, is “How you do anything is how you do everything.” The first and last rule of life by which he now abides. How you do anything is certainly how you...
4 Tools of Business Networking

4 Tools of Business Networking

I recently was invited to speak at an event on behalf of Walden Businesses, Inc. about Knock Out Networking. The audience was made up of financial advisors, M&A advisors, attorneys, CPAs, insurance agents, and other trusted advisor types. One of the highlights was...
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