An excerpt from my NEW book Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers about how to generate referrals!
I have many ideas, approaches, and practices about how to generate more and better referral business. I’ll share one way to generate referrals here every week (for a total of 12 rounds!) or you can simply pick up a copy of the book and get them all!
Pick up a copy HERE!
If you missed the previous articles in this series, please take a look:
Round 7!
Volunteer Your Time to Worthy Organizations
I’m not sure there is a better opportunity to volunteer your time than now. The world is open to setting up virtual meetings at the click of a mouse and the drop of a calendar invite.
There are plenty of organizations that would value your advice on investment strategies and financial planning.
One of the easiest and most fulfilling ways of making yourself available to organizations is to serve on a board, head up a committee, or get involved in a charity or community-service group. Or do something with your child’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA), school, or sports team.
For years, I have volunteered my time as a speaker to job-search organizations, including the U.S. Department of Labor. I believe in donating my time to worthy causes. It’s one of my favorite talks and I’m often in front of a large audience, so it’s fun! The job searchers appreciate the effort and it really feels good giving back and helping out.
If you’re a financial advisor, you can speak to groups about rolling over 401K accounts and 529 plans or investment strategies. People will want to hire you, work with you, and refer you.
What professional organizations or associations are relevant to your target market?
That might be a great place to start!
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay