An excerpt from my NEW book Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers about how to generate referrals!

I have many ideas, approaches, and practices about how to generate more and better referral business. I’ll share one way to generate referrals here every week (for a total of 12 rounds!) or you can simply pick up a copy of the book and get them all!

Pick up a copy HERE!

If you missed the previous articles in this series, please take a look:

Round 11!

Be Specific

First and foremost, what does a referral mean to you? Is it an introduction? If so, what type of introduction? An introduction to someone that might be a referral source? A potential client? Someone currently in the market for your services?

Or is it an introduction to someone that might be a good resource?

It’s all good (as they say) but the point is to be specific about what you want so you increase the likelihood of actually getting it.

As a financial advisor, broker, agent, planner, rep, associate, or other type of sales producer, what type of introductions do you want?

Someone in need of my services.

Everyone you know that is not working with a financial advisor.

Anyone with a checkbook.

Try to avoid someone, everyone, anyone language. Be specific!

What industry are they in? What is their profession?

What phase of life are they in? Did they just buy a home? Sell a home? Get married? Divorced? Empty nesters?

Is their demographic important? Age? Nationality? Culture? Height? Military status? Shoe size?

How about geography?

Once you figure out what a good referral means to you, then you can consider where you need to go (yes, online too!), what you need to say, and who you need to speak with.

Image by Fabio Fory from Pixabay
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