What NOT To-Do at a Networking Event

What NOT To-Do at a Networking Event

Or at a conference, trade show, golf outing, mixer, association meeting, cocktail party, Thanksgiving Dinner! Remember, Thanksgiving is about giving. And so is business networking! Here is what ChatGPT says! Don’t be self-centered, interrupt others, overstay your...
10 Ways to Make an IMPACT

10 Ways to Make an IMPACT

…in a networking group, business group, professional association, golf outing, client appreciation event, chamber, service group, knitting group. 😉 Participate Often Staying busy in the ring (punching a lot) is an expression in boxing that suggests if you’re busy,...
Knock Out New Year!

Knock Out New Year!

It’s almost here! As we’re running and gunning for the New Year, here are some aspects to consider as you’re adjusting your wraps and preparing to climb in the ring for the New Year! Set Your Goals Seems obvious I know. Consider the specific measurable goals you...
Knock Out Networking at Holiday Parties!

Knock Out Networking at Holiday Parties!

Holiday parties are great! Whether it’s your party, a client’s gathering, association events, or a business networking group, it’s a chance to have fun and get into the spirit of things. Holiday networking may be a bit different from the usual networking event so here...
Ghosts of Networking Past

Ghosts of Networking Past

As opposed to the rom-com Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. Cute movie! There may be very good reasons to leave your past girlfriends (or boyfriends) in the past, but the same may not be true for many in our network. In business networking, the tendency is to focus on...
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